All the Kings Men

A Population of One: No One Like You Here

February 28, 2023 Pastor Tony Tolson Season 1 Episode 3

Join Pastor Tony and his guest, Tori Sapp, as they discuss Tori's ministry call and the challenges he faced as he fought to serve as a volunteer minister to Youth in juvenile justice system. Tori is an example of what so many men face when they come from unstable homes with young parents, who survived the violent loss of his father and is left with no positive future in sight. Tori's inspirational story of overcoming his past to answer God's call on his life offers men a roadmap to victory over oppression and defeat. 

Tori explains how so many, like him, find themselves in trouble with the law or worse. Hear how Tori sees his life as a lifeline to many. Tori's past does not define him - his relationship with Jesus does!

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Welcome to all the king's men, a ministry podcast of the Men's Ministry of restoration place Tallahassee, warning listeners to this podcast will hear authentic life changing stories from men who know Jesus and have experienced his work in their life. Be prepared to be impacted by their stories and relationship with Jesus. Here's your host, Pastor Tony Tolson.

Tony Tolson:

Good afternoon. Good evening. Good day. Thank you for joining once again, our podcast all the king's men I've got with me this afternoon, Tori Sapp, how

Tori Sapp:

are you doing?


Great doing great, thank you.

Tony Tolson:

Tori is heading up a ministry directed at DJJ and young people that are there. But before we get there, I want to give Tory a chance to talk about a little bit about himself. For those who may not know him. Tory is not the kind of guy that necessarily talks all the time, he's rather quiet. But he's not quiet when it comes to sharing the gospel. But I'd like to pray for you take a few minutes and talk about what God's done in your life and maybe how you got to where you are today. Because you're just going to be a lot of listeners to this that just don't don't know that part of your story. And I think that will help inform them on what God's really doing.

Tori Sapp:

Well, has done some amazing things in my life. And he's continuing to do so. I came over here in 2012, and Florida. And I'll ask him to my note to myself, you know, what is it that God has me here for, you know, I ended up moving to Gaston County, and I knew it was something and just hit like a ton of bricks, I want you to you know, go out and minister to the you know, it's a lot going on with the young males all over the world. You know, I just here in Tallahassee, Gaston County. And I said, you know, that's what, that's what I'm going to do. And that's what I set out to do. Myself, I'm the reason why I want to do this. And the reason why I am doing this is because me as a young youngster, myself, my mother and my father, they were 14 years old. And when I was born, my father, he got killed at age 22 from street violence was hard. You know, it was rough. You know, it made me angry, I spent a lot of my time as a young male, you know, just being angry, and I did. A lot of things were wrong, that were bad. God has been good to me. I've overcame a lot of things. This, I get my payback. So that's what I'm doing going out and minister to you.

Tony Tolson:

Man, I love that. I love that part of your story. I also love the path of redemption that God brought you through because it wasn't like your passion and what God had planned in your heart was easy to achieve. Not only did you have to want it, but you had to fight for the right to do that. DJJ, because of some of your past. We didn't really want to there.

Tori Sapp:

I absolutely. When I first tried to get in with DJJ you thought it may be an easy fix or easy thing to do. But I found out that it wasn't going to be like that, understandably. So during the background and whatnot. I went through that and you know, I got denied, appealed and I did all the things that he told me to do. They wanted references, got all the reps matter of fact, I went like 10 over what they wanted me when required of me to got denied. Um, I did not give up you know, I kept pushing on it. But again, deny a couple of times, but I say I will take them to court on it. I did so perseverance not giving up you really want you to I believe that you have to keep fighting 40 is one thing just won't something when knowing you can do it. That'd be there. But when you got to a passion is always going to be there just wanting to do something may fade away if things don't go your way, I feel but when you passionate about something, it don't matter how long it takes, you're going to continue to push and that's what I did. I judge ruled in my favor. A lot of things that went on to my 13 years ago. I've overcame I've been doing things on from the past right now and things I want to do and just looking at those things, what I'm doing now what I have done looking at my circle, what who won't be involved with the people that I'm involved with. And while I'm I got you know granite to come in. And I just thank God for that.

Tony Tolson:

God's not only been blessing you in the area of your ministry, but he's also blessed you with an amazing new relationship.

Tori Sapp:

Yes, yes, yes, yes. I just got married in November, November 12. Two amazing young lady Shandra Sampras out. I thank God for her. And we have two amazing boys and she has Israel and Isaac, and my son, he's in the picture now, Eli, and it's so ironic about that met a young lady, her sons, Israel, and Isaac, my son is Eli. She is a God fearing woman, God for a man. And we've teamed up together, and God is doing amazing things in our lives. I'm just looking forward to see everything you know, that he's going to do for us.

Tony Tolson:

Yeah, yeah. And I think that's important as part of your story. Because you're working, you know, you have to work full time you have to provide for your family. And then on Sundays, and other times throughout the week, you're doing this type of ministry. So you've got a new bride and a family at home who has to support this, right? It's not just you, it's not just Eli. But it's the whole family that that's impacted by your calling. It's amazing to watch because they get to see their daddy, living the example of what it means to be a follower and a believer in action. Like there's a sacrifice. It's also a sacrifice that brings you great joy to talk to our audience about that impact. There's a scripture in Proverbs 24, verse 11, says rescue those who are being taken away to death hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. And I think about the way, you know, the old devils really made things very attractive for our young people to go sideways and to go astray from the right way. And in many cases, our young people and adults too, they'll choose the wrong path when the when the right path was easier, right? Just because it's the cool path or whatever. But I think of your ministry, and every week that you're there, you send me a little update, you might not know the total right now. But how many young people have made some decision for God since you've been involved? 26 males and three females, okay, so almost 30, almost 30 Young people have, have made a decision to live their life differently and to focus their life on something that's greater than themselves. And that of course, being our Savior Jesus Christ. I think that's pretty exciting. And that's, I mean, there's a there's a party going on somewhere about that, right? It's in heaven, right. And we thank you for your sacrifice. I think of this song, this old song rescue the perishing, and I just want to read a few verses and I want you to share some of the stories that these young folks maybe have shared with you that relate to these words. Okay. So the rescue the perishing, care for the dying, snatch them in pity from sin in the grave, weep over the earring, one lift up the Fallen tell them of Jesus the mighty to save, rescue the perishing, care for the dying because Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. This is the verse I want you to think of someone and share a bit of their story without any names. Of course, though they are sliding him. Still he is waiting, waiting. The penitent child to receive, plead with them, earnestly plead with them gently He will forgive them if they only believe. And you think of a young person that fits that verse.

Tori Sapp:

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Absolutely. Young man. Now we've come to be good friends, when God put us in the presence of each other on wondering as I'm listening to him, am I on assignment, and I really could not tell. And I waited because you got to be careful, you know, no way of Jesus telling you to do something, or you're doing this on your own because you can run somebody, wait, you start doing things on your own. So I have to pray and meditate and really find out. And so at some point that you own assignment, and the young man, he kept opening up to me about things and led me in and I'm sharing things about me too. And while we are being around each other daily, he started telling me things about his childhood and different things. He's been through DJJ or in different other things and where he wanted to be it. Now he's letting things go as a young kid, now he's trying to do the right thing. And when you're trying to do the right thing, and don't have it like this, me myself, it's very important to have at least a positive male in your life. What I have seen, when you do not have at least one positive male in your life is gonna be something's gonna go down, you're gonna hit spirits, probably gonna be jail time, at least one time? Well, he's telling me what do you want to do? I want to go about and I've been ministering to him. And we've exchanged numbers. Now. Let's talk on the phone. And actually, this young man has become a member of small groups that we have now. And he came to our first meeting and you enjoy Angel. It really did. I know he's going to be back. I know. And I see some great things for him. So that's what came to mind. And first person that came to mind when you say that.

Tony Tolson:

When I think about that story, did that particular relationship start through DJJ or was that in a community?

Tori Sapp:

It so happened that this job that I'm on now, and so I run it? Because I prayed I got to CDL drive trucks and I was about to want to get my own business with a small box truck. In someone's let me do it something it just wouldn't. And I say no, no, no, I got to follow what God's saying. And I feel that deep in my spirit that if I don't do what he wants me to do, I just don't feel right. I mean, I know I won't. That's why I did not choose to go that way. So I prayed and I prayed, send me a job, that I can be able to one family friendly. Yeah. And to be able to do what God wants me to do. The six month and it was rough. He did that I was 632 30. And I'm out of there. And we actually met at the job. Wow.

Tony Tolson:

Okay. Yeah, and I think that's really interesting. Because while you've made such an impact behind the walls, if you will of DJJ Jay, the ministry doesn't stop there. Because it's not what you do. It's who you are. This song, you know, rescue the perishing. It says, This was Fanny Crosby, this little old song. She says, plead with them, earnestly plead with them gently, not beat them up, not call them names, not put them down. But be earnest. Be honest, be caring. Be gentle, because they're very fragile, right? Yes. There's that early relationship when you're introducing Christ, when you're introducing something better than living for yourself. The the old man inside us, the center inside of us all man or woman. We reject things that don't align with our thinking right away, right. And so that's why it's so important. Listen to this one. I want you to challenge our audience, because this one reminds me a lot of your perseverance. Pastor Derek was involved heavily in helping you getting a letter, I think he may even went up and was one of your character references at one time or so. And I know that you and I were talking a lot during the end of that period of time, just before and you have some

Tori Sapp:

people say, Oh, yes, it's not out toPastor Derek Steele. He was there with me when quoting me on Saturday to Pastor Ernie Sims. He was there also with me, brothers, they went out for me and went to court with me on that. Thank you very much.

Tony Tolson:

And it's a brotherhood, isn't it? And that's part of what this whole podcast "All the Kings Men" is about. One of the foundational pillars is brotherhood. We get where God wants us to go together.

Tori Sapp:

Well, I usually started out trying to get in there in 2022, two years and Luke chain finally got in,

Tony Tolson:

You were so perseverant the way that you approach this and with every obstacle, now you may have gone home in your private time and fallen in the bed and cried, I don't know. But that's not the face you had on you had on the face of evict these words a fan across, rescue the perishing duty demands it strength for your labor, the Lord will provide back to the narrow way, patiently win them tell the poor wonder a Savior has died.

Tori Sapp:

Amen. Amen. And, you know, it was very rough times during it. Absolutely not gonna be easy at all. And I feel that he had already prepared me for this. It was like, okay, you've been studying. Now. Here's that test. I applied everything that I have been learning to that test with it. No, we're not letting you in on a no way you're gonna get in, you know, I've been told is no one that is on staff that has a felony or volunteer that has one not to determine, but just letting me know. And you wouldn't be

Tony Tolson:

a population of one. And you probably still are today.

Tori Sapp:

Yeah, amen. So it just makes me continued to play so it was hard going through it, but I just remind myself over and over and over that is worth it. And don't give up. That's what the enemy wants me to do when I'm not going to do that.

Tony Tolson:

Yeah, so thinking about that. I mean, what would you just say to someone who just knows God has given them a calling? So one of the one of the men listening to this that say, you know, I've been I feel like I've been prompted by the Holy Spirit, but I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to move forward. I don't know how to make the first step. It's just too hard. What would you say to him?

Tori Sapp:

First of all, get around some positive some some positive people, some godly people too. That's what you're gonna have to do from the beginning. You know, and then it's always good to know the word Ron godly people and know that anything that is worth having, and you push him for, you gotta go to our schools, you got different trials and things, but you don't give up and unknown now the harder it is gets, it's easier said than done. But the harder it gets it mean something there for you. The reward is going to be great, right? So not sure what to say. I Understand that I'll be studying James now Consider it pure joy, you know, when you facing basically these difficult circumstances? Yes. And how in the world? Can I consider this pure joy? Whether you're going through a financial difficulty or something you physically, relationships, whatever the case may be, how are you going to do that? But you know, I want you love. God, you love him. I just like him. You love him. He say all things work together for the good. And like I say, it's easier said than done. But when you really believe in that, and knowing that you will push through it.

Tony Tolson:

Yeah. Yeah, I think that's, that's powerful. And there's going to be men who might have questions about how to persevere during some of that time. How could somebody contact you? Is there an email address or, or something that that you could share right now, so people could email you and connect with you to talk about, maybe you can encourage them or give them some advice on how they could persevere.

Tori Sapp:

My email address is

Tony Tolson:

All right. Well, Tori, I appreciate you coming on today. And I appreciate you sharing this because it's when we are acting and living in obedience, that we're truly blessings come, joy comes peace that passes understanding all the promises of God get activated through our obedience. I've watched that in your life. That doesn't mean your life is perfect, and without its own set of challenges like all of ours, but through those challenges, they don't define you. What defines you is your identity in Christ, you have an identity greater than your circumstance. For instance, what I mean by that is, if I have a bill that seems like it's impossible to be paid, I don't identify as a guy who can't pay that bill. I identify as a child of God, and he's going to help me overcome this challenge, no particular circumstance that finds me. And that's how I see you. And I see our Men's Ministry, growing men, you're talking about the importance of men being there for each other, and you got to have a positive male role model in your life, and we've got a bunch of those at restoration play. If you're not connected with one of them, you need to get connected. That's why I wanted you to share your email because there may be somebody listening today because I can relate to Tori, and I want them to be able to connect with you and talk to you. But they're not alone. That's what we always say at our church at restoration place. We don't live life alone. And everything we need is right there in the house. And what I mean by that is there's somebody there that can help you through whatever your circumstance is, that you're not, you're not alone in that burden. You're not alone in that journey, unless you choose to be. And we want to make sure that we as men, you and I have connected, and I'm your brother, I'm your friend, and I don't want you to ever feel like you're alone. I know you're like feel that way towards me. And I want all of our men to feel that way.

Tori Sapp:

Amen. Amen. If I could I just want to share testimony, a testimony from yesterday, I want you to do enough justice in two minutes. Well, one thing that I've learned and learning is with these youth, you got to be real. I mean, you have to be real, and they can sense and they can feel when you are not being straight up. And I'm telling within a split second, you can just lose them. With me just yesterday, I wanna share this short testimony. I come in, and I'm dressed with my jeans on I got my sneakers, I had a t shirt got redeemed, I had a cow to the back. And when I walk in with the group that I've ever seen, because when you go in, you never know whether if you will see those same kids again. We know next time I saw a group it comes out. And the first thing to say, Oh no, it ain't no real breach. No, when you go to church, and I'm saying I'm praying to myself, now I'm gonna come back on this song say, oh, no, I ain't going there. So instead of praying, so I knew immediately I was gonna open up. First out, everything's sorted down. What does the preacher look like? I won't say anything. Then a little note, okay. I am a Minnesota word. I may hear ministering. Say I'm a minister. And so I said to them, I say But listen, when Jesus was born, everybody was looking for and say the Messiah. It'd be dressing these fancy robes, or this castle. Yep. You know, and got to find the things, but it was quite the opposite. Yes, it was amazing to where animals around. I say so he set the stage right there. I say. And Jesus. He was a homeless man. Yes,

Tony Tolson:

he was it the Bible says he had nowhere to lay his head.

Tori Sapp:

Yeah. I say roll on a donkey. And have you know a dog is not attractive at all. And he's stubborn. I say again, what won't post it look like it Not and I said to them, okay, you right here, and you may have Afro dress breeds, somebody sitting next to you clean cut, tie briefcase crime get committed. So I just come and say, Well, who do you think did this I'll jump in here who they're going to point it. So I feel like right then I got their attention. I told myself with this intentionally I saw I got sued, I got nice clothes. And I say if you go to a church that's telling you that you are looking at you funny you got to dress up like this might go to try to run and get some I let him know then when I go to church it and then we don't do that there. You know, I let them know our pastors, they set the tone for that how they come in and dress. You got five suits got got all that but they want you to be confident in letting you know. And then everything got sheltered, they just looking at yet didn't know what to end up. Everybody quiet looking. I don't know how to. But then you have 12 use when it gets Satan. I had to be real with them. Because at the beginning it was real for me because I didn't know how I was gonna respond.

Tony Tolson:

And that first impression mattered, didn't it? It did. And going back to this song says "plead with Him earnestly plead with him gently"- your words had to be very specific. And you did exactly the right thing. He's God, what do I say to this? Because it's going to matter. They're measuring whether they're going to listen by these first words. Wow. I think that but you say young people are really attuned to that I think we all are, we just get nicer. We just get nicer. We don't we don't say anything. And then we just don't go back. Or we just we just label that person is inauthentic. And we can't trust them. If we just get a feeling about somebody, I think that has damaged the church over the years. Because good meaning people lost their authenticity, because they fell out of love with their Savior, life got a hold of them. And they forgot what they were doing and why they were doing it. Get into positions at churches, we get titles, whether that's pastor or outreach leader, or minister or whatever. And that becomes our identity when we our identity out to be child of God. Amen. The rest of that's just the title that man puts on you that none of that matters. Really, what matters is who are you? And it's not what you do. It's who you are and who's you are, man. I'm proud to say Tori, the I know whose you are, and I know who you are. You are a child of God, and you are my brother. And I'm proud to say that we have a relationship that I know if I needed anything, you'd be right there. And and I hope you know the same about me. Absolutely. But I want to make sure other men begin to feel that way too, that they are not alone. There's a lot of men who live their life alone, because I think that's my hidden layer. Maybe they don't know any other way. But there's a better way. What Jesus traveled with disciples, he didn't even try to do it alone and he was God made flesh. And that's not an example. I don't know a better one. Again, reach out to Tory Tory dot SAP at y Tory dup SAP at y If you want to connect directly to him, and we just greatly appreciate everyone listening today to the podcast and we will see you next time.


Thank you for joining us today on all the king's men. Please share subscribe and like the podcast anytime you can. Contact Pastor Tony email Tony at my He would love to connect with you. On behalf of Pastor Tony and all of us at restoration place. Have a great week and we will see you next time.

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